Belles of the Ball

“The kicking is too jerky a movement for women and the strain is likely to be severe” – “so are we to assume that women’s bodies are unsuitable for jerky movement? That’s put paid to sex then, hasn’t it?”

“Belles of the ball” is a drama-comedy serial for television focusing on part of the glory years of women’s football between 1917 and 1922. Based on research of the period and with football as a backdrop, there is a wealth of material, characters and stories that resonate with contemporary life. These are stories about women, family, lovers (new and absent) and their interwoven lives as much as it is about football. Set in a time of political and social change and featuring a collection of women from all walks of life – from the blue collared office girls to the women on the factory floor. As well as the establishment and building of the local factory team the serial is also about a group of misfits in the workplace – women who want to explore and reinvent themselves in their leisure time.

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